2022 has been very difficult for families coming to Crosscare needing help. For the first time in many years, they have seen a rise in the number of working families struggling with ongoing increases in the cost of living. The demands of Christmas put even more pressure on people already finding it hard to make ends meet.
This Christmas, they are asking for help for the Food Poverty Service, where Crosscare supports families who find it hard to provide nutritious food. Sadly, almost 800 families and individuals, including 1,000 children, have needed help from the Service this year and demand is likely to increase in the coming months. Crosscare ensures they have a good supply of food while at the same time looking at all the issues that may have brought them into food poverty.
If you can, you can donate online at www.crosscare.ie or call 01 8360011 or send a cheque or postal order to Crosscare Christmas Appeal, 2 Saint Mary’s Place North, Dublin D07 Y768. Envelopes will also be made available in all Parish Churches.