Archbishop Dermot Farrell has appointed Fr James as new Parish Priest. He took over from Fr Fergus on Friday 15 September 2023.
We wish him abundant graces as he assumes his new responsibilities in Our Lady Queen of Peace.
Mon – Fri: 07:30 and 12 noon (no 10am Mass)
Saturday: 10am, 12 noon (no 6pm Vigil Mass)
Sunday: 12 noon & 9pm (no 10am Mass)
Holy Day: 07:30; 12 noon & 9pm (no 10am Mass)
Bank Holiday: 10am, 12 noon
(effective from 16 September 2023)
All Masses are live streamed.
For Confession times, click on tab above or here
Weekdays: 10:30 – 11:45
Saturdays: 10:30 – 11:45
Sundays: 10:30 – 11:45;
20 mins before & after 9pm Mass
Also on
Thursdays: 7-8pm (during Holy Hour)
(subject to change, depending on priest availability)
Parish Secretary: Mandy Kelly-Gunning
Monday to Friday: 10.00am to 1.00pm
Tel: 01-269 1825
Email: [email protected]
Mon – Fri: 07:30 & 12 noon (no 10am Mass)
Saturday: 10am & 12 noon (no 6pm Mass)
Sunday: 12 noon & 9pm (no 10am Mass)
Holy Day: 07:30, 12 noon & 9pm (no 10am Mass)
Bank Holiday: 10am, 12 noon
(effective from 16 September 2023)
All Masses are livestreamed
Weekdays: 10:30 – 11:45
Saturdays: 10:30 – 11:45
Sundays: 10:30 – 11:45;
20 mins before & after 9pm Mass
Also on
Thursdays: 7-8pm (during Holy Hour)
(subject to change, depending on priest availability)
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Merrion Road, Dublin 4,
D04 NX33, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)1 269 1825
Archbishop Dermot Farrell has appointed Fr James as new Parish Priest. He took over from Fr Fergus on Friday 15 September 2023.
We wish him abundant graces as he assumes his new responsibilities in Our Lady Queen of Peace.