Hospitality Group
After the 10am Mass on Thursdays (Sept-June) a cup of tea and coffee is provided by a group of volunteers from the parish. Apart from parishioners, we are very happy to welcome visitors from other parishes and, as often happens, out-patients and visitors to St Vincent’s Hospital.
Flower Arrangers
A small group of parishioners looks after the flowers in the Church. Special floral arrangements are done for important liturgical occasions such as Christmas and Easter. Flowers add beauty to the church and enhance our celebrations. If you are interested in adding your skills to this group, please let us know in the parish office
Society of St Vincent De Paul
The Society of St Vincent De Paul, or the Vincents as they are commonly called, is a Christian voluntary organisation set up in 1833 for the purpose of helping those in need. Its founder, Frederic Ozanam was inspired by the French saint of the poor after which the society is named. The Society is an […]
Legion of Mary
“Yours is an eminently Marian spirituality, not only because the Legion glories in carrying Mary’s name as its unfurled banner, but above all because it bases its methods of spirituality and apostolate on the dynamic principle of union with Mary, on the truth of the intimate participation of the Virgin Mary in the plan of […]
Bethany Bereavement Support Group
Bethany is a voluntary, parish-based, lay ministry aiming to help the bereaved and grieving in the Parish and wider community. Bethany is taken from the name of the village where Jesus went to console Martha and Mary on the death of their brother Lazarus. The members of Bethany have themselves been bereaved and have been […]
Lay Ministers of the Word
One of the fruits of the liturgical reform following Vatican II was a renewed emphasis on the importance of the Liturgy of the Word with the treasures of the Bible opened up more lavishly. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctam Concilium) encourages the laity to be evangelists and gives them the responsibility of actively […]