The Family (39th) and Care (40th) Amendments to the Constitution – Statement of Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Voting is a way to show that we care about making society better. In Catholic social teaching, it’s important to take part in the democratic process. The Catholic Church says that everyone should vote responsibly for the common good. (Compendium of Catholic Social Doctrine, 189). We need to think about our Catholic values when we vote and choose policies that respect human dignity, help everyone, and protect those who are vulnerable.

Apostles Creed

  I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again […]

Recent Parish Priests

V. Rev. Fergus O’Connor Fr Fergus is a native of Dublin and was appointed parish priest in September 2008, when the Opus Dei Prelature was invited by Archbishop Martin to look after Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish. He is a former Cavalry Officer and retired in 1980 with the rank of Commandant. He has […]

Parish Family Fun Day, Sunday 24 September 2023

You are invited to attend our Parish Family Fun Day, a most enjoyable annual event open to families with young children who gather after 12 noon Mass. There will be a range of outdoor entertainment with a ready supply of light refreshments all provided by volunteers.

Accord Annual Collection, 12 & 13 February 2022

The second collection next weekend (12 &13 February) is for Accord Dublin, which offers marriage preparation programmes and counselling for those who are experiencing difficulties in their marriage or relationships. Accord Dublin relies heavily on the generosity of parishioners in order to provide their essential services.

Synodal Pathways Reflection, 6 February 2022

In Luke 5:1-11, the Gospel writer creatively combines the preaching of Jesus, a miracle and a call story. Luke invites us to recognise our own attraction to Jesus and the Good News. In the context of the Synodal Pathways — certain expressions jump off the page: the word of God, put out into the deep, do not be afraid…