Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Apart from providing useful information about the parish, its groups and the various activities, it is our desire to use this website to share our faith with you, providing resources and links for faith development, both personal and family.
We also want to facilitate piety and prayer and hope you will find the Daily Mass Readings (with commentary) helpful.
Since 2008, priests of the Opus Dei Prelature have been entrusted with the pastoral care of Our Lady Queen of Peace. See Daily Message taken from the writings of St Josemaría, Founder of Opus Dei, which gives some insights into his charism.
We would appreciate your feedback. God bless you and please visit us often!
Our Lady Queen of Peace WEBCAM

All Masses and other events are livestreamed each day below on our website, on Facebook and YouTube.
We welcome parishioners and friends who may wish to participate online in our liturgies. They are also recorded and may be viewed afterwards here.
Join us via webcam for the Rosary, Monday – Saturday at 11:25.
Latest News

€680 donated in Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land, 29 March 2024
We thank our parishioners for their generous donation of €680 to the collection taken up on Good Friday to support the Holy Land, Pro Terra Sancta.
Dioceses throughout the world were invited to pray and to collect funds for the Catholic community in the Holy Land and for the maintenance of the Holy Places.
If you would like to make a donation, please drop it into one of the safes or the sacristy. Thank you

Partnership participation in Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock, Sat 29 April 2023
Fr Fergus and a number of parishioners participated in the Partnership Pilgrimage to Knock on 29 April, in conjunction with the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage. It was a wonderful experience. Homily of Archbishop Farrell here.

Bambinelli Sunday, 17 December 2023
Bambinelli Sunday was celebrated in Our Lady Queen of Peace on 17 December. At the end of the 12 noon Mass, the figures of baby Jesus – the Bambinelli – from the family Crib were blessed.

Christmas Appeal 2022 for Queen of Peace Primary School for Girls in Lodwar
This Advent we launch our Annual Christmas Appeal for our parish outreach project in Lodwar, Kenya.
Bishop John and Sr Agnes are most grateful for your Christmas gift of education to help these girls break out of the trap of poverty.

Parish Partnership
Following the Building Hope Gatherings in Parishes, Archbishop Farrell has recently announced new Partnership Pastoral Areas in the Archdiocese.
Our Lady Queen of Peace will be part of a partnership with Donnybrook, Booterstown and Milltown Parishes.
See Archbishop’s video on Partnerships here.

CROSSCARE Christmas Food Poverty Appeal
2022 has been very difficult for families coming to Crosscare needing help. For the first time in many years, they have seen a rise in the number of working families struggling with ongoing increases in the cost of living. The demands of Christmas put even more pressure on people already finding it hard to make ends meet.

The Time Has Come: Archbishop Dermot Farrell, Advent Pastoral Letter, 2022
In every generation we are asked to be ready, recognising the salvation offered in Christ Jesus, on fire with his Spirit, proclaiming the Gospel in every season, finding new ways to witness to the presence and power of Christ in our own lives and to the people of our time.

Share Appeal Sunday, 12/ 13 November 2022
Share Appeal Sunday takes place on the weekend of November 12/13, highlighting the important work that is funded by the weekly collection. See letter from Archbishop Farrell and brief video giving an overview of the benefits of the Share collection.

World Mission Sunday: 23 October 2022
World Mission Sunday is the Holy Father’s annual appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of overseas mission and missionaries can continue. The theme this year is: ‘You Shall Be My Witnesses’ (Acts 1:8).

Building Hope Feedback: Archbishop Farrell responds
Thank you once again for your engagement with the Easter 2022 initial phase of the Building Hope strategic planning process in the Archdiocese.
Document from Archbishop Farrell summarising your responses to the initial parish Building Hope engagement below. It offers a clear sense of the direction in which we will now travel together.

Novena to the Immaculate Conception 2024: 1-9 Dec
You are invited to attend our Novena to the Immaculate Conception, beginning on Sunday, 1 December 2024.
There will be a special homily at the 12 noon Mass each day, which will focus on different aspects of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Masses, Solemnity of Immaculate Conception, Monday 9 December 2024
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception falls on Monday 9 December this year. Although, for that reason, it is not a holy day of obligation, we will have Mass at the regular times of 7:30am, 12 noon & 9pm.

Fr James Hurley appointed Parish Priest effective from 15 Sept 2023
Archbishop Dermot Farrell has appointed Fr James as new Parish Priest. He took over from Fr Fergus on Friday 15 September 2023.
We wish him abundant graces as he assumes his new responsibilities in Our Lady Queen of Peace..

New Weekend Mass times, starting Sat 16 Sept 2023 (arising from the retirement of Fr Fergus as Parish Priest)
Saturdays: 10am and 12 noon, No Vigil Mass at 6pm
Sundays: 12 noon and 9pm. No Mass at 10am

Parish Family Fun Day, Sunday 24 September 2023
Our 8th Parish Family Fun Day, was a most enjoyable event. The children were very keen to have their faces painted and had endless fun in the Bouncy Castle. A ready supply of light refreshments was provided by volunteers. In answer to prayer the rain held off, and there was even some sunshine!

Special Mass at 7pm on Thursday 28 September, marking retirement of Fr Fergus as PP.
On Thursday 28 September, a special Mass at 7pm took place to mark the retirement of Fr Fergus as PP.
This was followed by a most enjoyable meal in Elm Park Golf Club, organised by the Parish Pastoral Council.