Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Apart from providing useful information about the parish, its groups and the various activities, it is our desire to use this website to share our faith with you, providing resources and links for faith development, both personal and family.
We also want to facilitate piety and prayer and hope you will find the Daily Mass Readings (with commentary) helpful.
Since 2008, priests of the Opus Dei Prelature have been entrusted with the pastoral care of Our Lady Queen of Peace. See Daily Message taken from the writings of St Josemaría, Founder of Opus Dei, which gives some insights into his charism.
We would appreciate your feedback. God bless you and please visit us often!
Our Lady Queen of Peace WEBCAM

All Masses and other events are livestreamed each day below on our website, on Facebook and YouTube.
We welcome parishioners and friends who may wish to participate online in our liturgies. They are also recorded and may be viewed afterwards here.
Join us via webcam for the Rosary, Monday – Saturday at 11:25.
Latest News

Veneration of Relic of the True Cross: 8pm on Thursday, 14 September 2023
At 8pm on Thursday 14 September a liturgy venerating a relic of the True Cross took place in Our Lady Queen of Peace. The celebration included a homily and blessing with the Relic. It was also possible for those attending to personally venerate the Relic.
This was Fr Fergus’ last liturgical ceremony as Parish Priest.

Talks, Season of Creation 2023 (1 Sept – 4 Oct), in our Parish Partnership
Our Partnership Partnership “Laudato Si Care of Creation Group” have arranged a series of events to celebrate the Season of Creation 2023 (1st September to 4th October).

PATHWAYS: Exploring Faith as an Adult
Applications are now open for the next intake of participants for Pathways. This two-year, one evening a week programme, run by the Dublin Archdiocese, begins in DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, on Thursday 28th September 2023 (7pm – 9:30 pm). Places are limited so early application is advised. More details here.

First Holy Communion of Orran Nair, Sunday 25 June 2023
Parishioners at the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 25 June were very happy to witness the First Holy Communion of Orran Nair.

Relationships Enrichment: Sessions for engaged and recently married couples
Several couples are attending our monthly Relationships Enrichment sessions for engaged and recently married couples.
The date of our next meeting has yet to be decided.

Parish Privacy Policy
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin. The parish is a registered charity, Registered Charity Number: 20016166, Parishes Revenue Number CHY7424. The Parish Priest is the data controller for the parish, in other words he is the person responsible for making sure your data is safe and secure.

Parish arrangements
While the incidence of Covid-19 has diminished, hand sanitising is recommended and the wearing of masks in the church is discretionary. It is still recommended to maintain some level of social distance from others, so we encourage you to spread out in the church as much as possible.

Year for Vocation to Diocesan Priesthood
The Year for Vocation to the Diocesan Priesthood will run from Vocations/Good Shepherd Sunday, 30 April 2023, which also marks the 60th anniversary of the initiation of the annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations, instituted by Saint Pope Paul VI in 1963 during the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.
The Council for Vocations of the Bishops’ Conference has organised this year to promote vocations to the diocesan priesthood.

Parish Accounts, Year ending 31 Dec 2022
Our 2022 parish accounts are available here and on our Church notice board. If any parishioner has a query you are very welcome to contact

Lay Ministry Appeal: 27-28 April 2024
The vitality of our Church increasingly relies on our lay people to step into leadership and service roles with courage and love.
Your contributions are vital in sustaining and expanding the current initiatives, ensuring our Church remains a vibrant beacon of hope and faith in the world.

Mass for the Feast of St Josemaría, Wed 26 June 2024
Archbishop Dermot Farrell celebrated Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace for the Feast of St Josemaría.

Neighbouring Parish Mass Schedules
St Patrick’s Day is on Sunday this year.
Masses in Our Lady Queen of Peace for the Feastday and Bank Holiday Monday will be as follows:
Sun 16th Mar: 12 noon and 9pm (Feast day Vigil)
Bank Holiday Monday St PAtricks Feast Day (17 Mar): 10am and 12 noon

Parish Dinner celebrating 70 years of our church
We marked the 70th year of our church with a parish dinner in Elm Park on Friday 19th January. It was a wonderful opportunity for us to spend time together. Thanks to all who made the event such a memorable experience.

Christmas 2024 at Our Lady Queen of Peace
Experience the Joy of Christmas 2024 at Our Lady Queen of Peace, click here for more information…

Mass of Remembrance for St. Vincent’s Patients
Mass of Remembrance for St. Vincent’s patients, Saturday 16/11, 12 noon