Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish
Apart from providing useful information about the parish, its groups and the various activities, it is our desire to use this website to share our faith with you, providing resources and links for faith development, both personal and family.
We also want to facilitate piety and prayer and hope you will find the Daily Mass Readings (with commentary) helpful.
Since 2008, priests of the Opus Dei Prelature have been entrusted with the pastoral care of Our Lady Queen of Peace. See Daily Message taken from the writings of St Josemaría, Founder of Opus Dei, which gives some insights into his charism.
We would appreciate your feedback. God bless you and please visit us often!
Our Lady Queen of Peace WEBCAM

All Masses and other events are livestreamed each day below on our website, on Facebook and YouTube.
We welcome parishioners and friends who may wish to participate online in our liturgies. They are also recorded and may be viewed afterwards here.
Join us via webcam for the Rosary, Monday – Saturday at 11:25.
Latest News

Synodal Pathway: Feedback on Parish Gatherings, March 2022
The comments of parishioners at our two Synodal gatherings have been collated by our Animators and sent to the Archdiocese for onward transmission.
We are very grateful to our Animators, Group Leaders and parishioners for organising and participating in this important conversation.
See our Parish Feedback Report here and Diocesan Synthesis here.

Over €3,800 raised in Special Collection for Ukraine 26 & 27 March 2022
Over €3,800 was raised in the Special Collection taken up at Masses on the weekend of 26/27 March to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine and especially the families and children fleeing for their lives from the barbarism and destruction being inflicted on their homeland by the aggressor. Thank you for your generous solidarity!

Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 25 March 2022
After his Angelus address on Sunday 20 March, Pope Francis said:
I invite every community and all the faithful to unite with me on Friday 25 March, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, for the Solemn Act of Consecration of humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so that she, the Queen of Peace, may help us obtain peace.

Archdiocese of Dublin Statement of Mission
Alongside the Synodal Pathway process, the Archbishop set up a Task Force to explore ways of renewing the church in our Diocese. The Task Force report was issued in late Summer entitled, ‘Building Hope’. One of its recommendations was that the Diocese should produce a Statement of Mission that would be a reference point for the process of renewal. The Archbishop issued this Statement of Mission on 9 February 2022.

Memorial Mass for Fr Cormac Burke, 12 noon on Sat 18 Dec 2021
A Memorial Mass for Msgr Cormac Burke was celebrated in Our Lady Queen of Peace on Saturday 18 December 2021 at 12 noon by Fr Donncha Ó hAodha, Regional Vicar of Opus Dei for Ireland. Video recording available here.

Masses, Solemnity of All Saints, Tues, 1 Nov 2022
The Solemnity of All Saints is a holy day of obligation. Masses on Tue 1 Nov: 7:30am, 10am, 12 noon and 9pm.